Janet Rounsville, FNP
Breckenridge Medical CenterBiography
Breckenridge Medical Center
Janet Rounsville has been a Family Nurse Practitioner at Breckenridge Medical Center since 2025. Janet is one of the Nurse Practitioners at the Breckenridge Medical Center Walk-In Clinic. She has worked in many different departments during her career in healthcare. In 1993 she received her associate's degree from the University of Pittsburg. Janet later went on to pursue her bachelor's and master's degrees at South Dakota State University. She received her Doctor of Nursing Practice at Bradley University in Illinois. She is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner through the AANP. Janet has been a Nurse for 32 years, she is specialized in Emergency Trauma, and Ortho. She has experience working with patients of all ages and enjoys doing minor procedures. Janet has worked in management, skilled nursing, Emergency Department, as well as Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic. Prior to working at Breckenridge Medical Center, Janet was an Associate Professor of Practice for the BSN program at Concordia University in Saint Paul. She has been a clinical instructor, as well as lab and didactic, from 2012-2024. Janet was led to the small community because she likes using evidence-based practice to provide the community with the best care that she can. One of Janets big accomplishments is having been an honors student throughout her schooling.